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Handmade Wholesale Soap Hobbiest

Why has handmade soapmaking become such a popular hobby in the past few years? After all, in this modern age with all the conviences of modern living why would anyone want to participate in a tedious task that has been replaced by the ubiquitous bar of Lifebuoy.Some of us can remember grandparents making soap at home from kitchen drippings or from a can of lard. These soaps though very effective were usually on the harsh side as the weight measurements were never as precise as they should have been . Even Oprah relates how as a child her grandmother tried to interest her in learning how to make soap. Right then and there she must have decided to explore the larger world and get away from the menial business of soapmaking.

In this time of superstores, making a quality product ourselves from start to finish gives unequaled satisfaction. This is why we make handmade soap in our kitchens, basements, garages and workshops. The fact is the soap product a hobbiest can produce is generally higher in quality than the product available to us commercially. The gigantic soapmakers have taken all of the natural ingredients out of the soap and loaded it up with chemicals and preservatives. Some now refer to these bars of soap as detergent pars.

The most effective ingredient found in soap for the qualities of soothing, protecting, and cleaning our delicate skin is glycerine. This is the main ingredient stripped form commercial soap by the soap manufacturers. Why would they do this? They have found as a seperate commodity the glycerine may be sold for more than the soap itself.. Never mind that this ruins many of the properties that most soap consumers deem necessary for a viable bar of soap. This is what leaves an opening for the handmade soapmaker to come in and fill that need.

Filling a need with a superior product that is not being filled in the commercial marketplace is a recipe for success. If the soapmaker only wants to make soap for immediate family and friends the satisfaction is still huge. Once the soapmaker becomes profficient at the task of soapmaking, the soapmaking bug takes over. It may be one of the most addictive hobbies today. The fragrances involved in soap making can become another intoxicating aspect of the process. Purchasing, experimenting, blending new scents is a treat all to itself. Give this hobby a try, you won't be disappointed.

The author of this article is Jeffrey Dorrian proprietor of thesoapguy.com. This article is the full and copyright property of the said author. It may be reprinted in its' entirety with all links and complete author information in tact. Buy your wholesale handmade soap here Wholesale Soap

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