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Vanilla: A Brief History

Vanilla, which is another of the most popular handmade soap scented products, is produced from a vanilla bean. These are found in orchids and are used for cooking, such as vanilla extract used in baking, and scented products, such as candles and handmade soap. Vanilla is believed to stimulate the brain, increase energy and may potentially aid in lowering small fevers.

Vanilla scents are also very popular in perfume products but, for the individual who wishes to pamper their skin with natural products and a luxurious scent, vanilla scented handmade soap may be the way to go. Vanilla was first developed as flavoring and was primarily produced in Mexico until the mid-19th century era, which is when their knowledge of pollination was traded. By the late 1970s, the cost of vanilla rose dramatically due to a typhoon. These prices continued on through the mid 80s, but later dropped by an astonishing 70% after those who controlled vanilla prices and distribution went their separate ways. Another typhoon struck in 2000, which once again sent the cost of vanilla soaring. By 2005, however, a lesser demand and increased availability resulted in yet another a price reduction.

Today, the Coca-Cola Corporation is the world's largest purchaser of natural vanilla extract. In 2002, the soft drink giant introduced Vanilla Coke, which features a higher level of vanilla flavor. Don't be mistaken, though. Vanilla is much more than flavoring as there are different types of this product. The essential oil that is obtained from vanilla is a pleasing scent that is sometimes used in aromatherapy. As such, vanilla is commonly used in scented candles, potpourri, handmade soap, perfumes, etc. Vanillin, which is one of the many compounds found in vanilla, is largely responsible for both it's flavor and smell.

Vanilla, when speaking of flavoring, is commonly used in baking. When used in scented products, vanilla is equally as sweet. Whether you are treating your tastebuds, your nose or even your skin, this product is one with many abilities. As for it's most popular use, vanilla is used as a sweetener for all of your senses. The information in this article is designed to be used for reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in place of or in conjunction with a professional medical recommendation regarding the use of vanilla. If you are a crafter and are considering incorporating vanilla into your products, make sure that you read and understand any cautionary labels found on the outside vanilla packaging. If you are looking for a vanilla product, there is no shortage and it's the most convenient way to enjoy the benefits without having to actually create the product yourself.

The author of this article is Cynthia Mattison for thesoapguy.com. This article is the full and absolute copyright property of the thesoapguy.com. It may be reprinted in its' entirety with all links and complete author information in tact. Buy your wholesale handmade soap here Wholesale Soap

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