The Soap Guy
FREE Soap Dough Recipe
Soap Dough is a pliable style of cold processed soap! Looks and feels like playdough, but functions like soap.
Want to make your own Soap Dough? Check the recipe below!

Soap Dough Recipe
- 248g Coconut Oil
- 248g Palm Oil
- 248g Olice Oil
- 228 Canola Oil
- 20g Castor Oil
- 326g Water
- 146g Lye (Sodium Hydroxide
- Colorant (we recommend micas or clays)
This recipe will yield just over 3 lbs of soap. This is just one of MANY different types of soap dough recipes. A quick search on YouTube will pull up a ton of different ways to make this neat little item. Try as many recipes as you wish, the process will be the same!
Note: This guide assumes you have some basic knowledge of cold processed soap making.
There are a few differences with a soap dough batch versus a regular batch of CP (cold processed) soap. Instead of going through CP soap making step by step, we're going to concentrate on those differences. If you wish to learn more about the CP soap making technique, check out the video below.
Most people want a bunch of different colors of dough to play with when making soap dough. In traditional CP soap making, may separate the base into a few different containers in order to add color. To make this easy we recommend having a bunch of small plastic containers handy. Solo cups will work for this in a pinch. This will allow us to easily separate our batch into as many colors as you wish!. If you're using a stick blender to mix, just make sure the containers are big enough for you to mix them properly. You want to make sure to mix well since we're using poweder in the form of micas or clay.
Micas are generally added at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per pound of soap. Since we're breaking a 3 lb batch into 5 or more separate colors, you'll have to be careful adding color. Just add a pinch and see if it's enough. You can always add more later. The small containers, or solo cups, can also double as the mold for each color! When you're finished mixing, cover the small containers with plastic. Keeping the heat in will help the saponification process. You could even throw a small towel over the batches for greater effect.
The basic flow goes something like this.
- Add lye to water and mix - let sit for 15 mins
- In a separate pot combine and melt all oils
- By the time the oils are melted the lye should be cool enough to use
- Add lye solution to the oils and mix well
- Separate mixture into your containers for color
- Add and mix color into each batch
- Cover continers with plastic wrap and a towel
- Let sit over night
Cold Processed Soap Instructions
Soap dough is simply cold processed soap. All guides and videos about CP soap making can absolutely be used for soap dough! This video from The Soap Queen over at Brambleberry is a classic. It goes over a lot of the basics and will help you make your very first cold processed soap batch.
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