Homemade Natural Face Scrubs

Why do we exfoliate? If you notice your facial skin gets rough and dull over time. Think of it as how snakes regenerate their old skin. Our skin works almost just the same.

To bring back the old glowing skin and prevent clogs on your pores that cause acne and blemishes, we need to exfoliate.

There are several methods and products for exfoliation. A lot are available on the market, but did you know that you can save time and a lot of money and gain many benefits in homemade and natural facial scrubs?

Below are the things you should know about homemade natural face scrubs

Homemade Natural Face Scrubs You Can Easily Make Today

Homemade Natural Face Scrubs

If you search the internet for natural face scrub recipes, you will find dozens of options and choices to choose from. These DIY methods are not as complicated as you think it. You can come up with your own in 15-20 minutes.

Besides the comfort it offers you, considering homemade natural exfoliating scrubs are harmless, because they don’t contain chemicals which can have irritating effects and burning sensations.

Natural exfoliants are for everyone! All skin types can tolerate these organic substances, as they have been tried and tested over the years. It will definitely keep your skin glowing, and your dull skin days are over, if exfoliation is done regularly.

Kinds of Natural Exfoliators


Known in history as one of the best skin solutions for bacterial and fungal problems. Honey can also be mixed with other exfoliants to strengthen the antioxidant and anti-bacterial capabilities of your exfoliating process.


Sugar contains glycolic acids that boost the production of new skin cells. It prevents the sticking of the dead cells into your skin when scrubbed in the face. Sugar is known for restoring the glow you've been waiting for.

Sea Salt

As tested by many at home as a natural scrub, sea salt is best used for dry skin. It contains minerals that rejuvenate one's skin and regulates the moisture in your face.


For the sensitive skin, oatmeal is the best choice, because when mixed with honey, it acts as the mildest of all the substances available. Just keep it on your skin for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing.

Benefits of Natural Exfoliation

Homemade and natural facial scrubs are not just inexpensive and always available. What you are saving your skin from, are possible harmful chemicals which can cause your skin serious damage and unexpected burning sensations.

These natural face scrubs also have the same benefits as those products found on the market. They act as a skin-friendly, rejuvenating substance by removing the dead skin cells while keeping the stability of your face's moisture.

For post-exfoliation, home beauty solutions such as sugar scrubs can act as a smoothing tool for rough skin and callouses. It heals them naturally.

These homemade natural and organic exfoliators are the most gentle to use during the exfoliation process. Not just about the availability, but the usage of these can be economical for an individual and it is environmentally friendly.

Benefits of Natural Exfoliation