Lining The Soap Guy Molds

In the video below The Soap Guy gives insight on what techniques we use here at The Soap Guy. What we've used to build our molds and what we use to line over 50 molds a day in no time at all. Soap Guy also covers other methods for creating soap molds, even one that's completely free!

Below are some explanatory photos as well as a link to the purchasing page for the bags we use here.

This is the link to get the very thin trash bags that work amazingly well as soap liners!

Mold Liners Click Here

To get the trash liners to a nice rectangle, first cut off the bottom seal.

Next, gather the bag together until you have a nice loop. Then snip the loop.

This leaves you with a nice rectangular liner for your mold.

Be sure to keep the liner as close to the corners as possible. This can be a little tricky and frustrating at first, but after you line 10-20 molds you'll be able to do it in seconds.

Here's another angle.

Another look.

All you need to keep the liner from moving after it's placed is a little piece of scotch tape.

And now look at the result!

Happy Soaping