When It Comes to Craft Products, Show AND Tell

If you are doing it right, many craft products showcased on your craft shop or soap shop website have wonderful photos of your craft. When it comes to crafts that are more applicable than art pieces, you likely have some shots of how your craft is used and in action. If you’re smart, you’ll also have a detailed description of the product written next to the photo letting the buyer know the craft’s details and uses. Job’s done, right? No!

If you have crafts such as bath oils, facial scrubs, or other crafts that would require application or assembly, your customer base will appreciate instructions on how your product can be used to its fullest. Keep in mind that many customers are buying your craft soaps as gifts for their friends, so those people probably didn’t even visit your webpage. Including a small note with instructions (example: “Use with cold water for best results”) can eliminate all doubt. Remember how frustrating it is to assemble an IKEA bookcase with just the pictures? Don’t let that happen to your product. For more on this topic, click here:: Staffed by Mimes

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