Find Out How Sweat (and Sex) Inspired a Successful Soap Biz

When your boyfriend comes home after a long day and wants to get busy, you already know that you make him take a shower. When Carina first thought about starting her own soap biz, she wasn’t sure how to get started. She wanted to throw money down to get started but hesitated a bit. The class opened up a short time later and she jumped on it. It was a tough journey, but she was supported through the entire thing and has launched her own business.

Key Takeaways:

  • She is making a new soap that is built specifically for sweaty people to ensure they get clean.
  • She was able to find the information that she needed to speak directly to her target market.
  • We asked her what she learned during the program and she said that a lot of information was summed really well.

“If you’re like most women, you make that stinky man hop in the shower before laying a finger on you.”

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