Lies, Lies, Lie and More Lies about Handmade Soap

A few years ago I was doing a demonstration at an upscale boutique in Chicago that carried our soap along with five other soap makers products. As we passed one shelf of colorful soap the owner remarked to me, “Oh this is our organic line of soap”. Glancing at the shelf it was clear to me that this was melt and pour base combined with some type of fragrance. I said back to my host “generally melt and pour soap is not considered organic” She replied that her supplier had assured her it was organic and that she trusted her completely. I left it at that.


Over the years we have had hundreds of calls from customers and potential customers confused about claims from competing soap makers. I have never found an instance where a competitor changed their claims after being given correct information about their product. I also have not found it a productive use of my time to engage in a dispute with said soap maker. I have however kept a short list of resources that provide great information for my customers to stay informed and in turn be able to share with their customer accurate information.
The Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild is a reliable source of accurate information. i also love
Miller’s Homemade Soap Pages
Information Compiled by Kathy Miller.
This site is, to the point, and from a very experienced soap maker. Thank you Kathy Miller for all of the work you have done for us.
Start keeping your own resource web page list to pass along to your customers so they feel sound about their info. Your best weapon against inaccurate competitors is keeping your information accurate and succinct. Engaging them in debate is a monumental waste of time and emotion.