A Simple Letter Can Get a Store to Sell Your Soap

Your online soap/craft shop is doing well and you sell out your wares at craft expos and the farmer’s market. You have plenty of positive feedback from customers wanting more and you think it might be time to expand. Well, there’s that boutique shop downtown that would be the perfect place to sell your soap. So why not ask?

First, either in person or over the phone, politely explain who you are, what you can offer, and who on the store staff you can send samples to. Next, write a detailed cover letter to that person detailing who you are, what products you sell, how they would be a good fit for the store, and the URL of your website for them to see what you create. Also, include some samples of your more popular soaps and oils for them to try. After a week, follow up and keep following up at least five times for an answer. Follow these steps and you’ll likely find another venue for your wares. For a full article on this topic, click here:: Writing an Introduction Letter to Buyers: Ask for the Sale