Neem and Turmeric Handmade Soap Recipe

Neem and turmeric are very useful for skin as they have both anti ageing and anti inflammatory properties. These two oils/minerals can help with different types of skin issues such as dandruff and acne. Neem oil comes from the seed of the neem plant and is great with regards to moisturizing the skin. This soap gives you those properties that help with skin care as well as keeps your body clean. It is important to let the soap rest in a mold for at least 24 hours so it can harden.

Key Takeaways:

  • Neem and turmeric both have anti ageing and anti inflammatory properties and are used to treat different skin issues.
  • Neem oil and turmeric are mixed in this soap recipe to protect your skin while also keeping your body clean.
  • When you finish this recipe, you will need the soap to stay in its mold for at least 24 hours so it can harden.

“Neem oil, which is derived from the seeds of the plant, is rich in vitamin E and acts as a good moisturizer for the skin.”

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