Best Lye Soap Websites

When was the last time you bought a bar of sassafras soap. This is a real old fashioned soap site. I also noticed they had shampoo bars, liniments and pine tar soap. I think they must be the apothecary of the internet.

My favorite thing about homemade lye soap sites is that they are some of the oldest commercial sites on the internet and their style reflets that. Here they claim to have sold over 50,000 bars of soap since 1999, and I believe them. Check out this site, I'm sure there is something to buy here.

Any site that has farmgal in the url is a site after my own heart. This site has many different types of homemade concoctions including how to make preserves. If this "gal" isn't married a proposal might be in the air.

I love stories about soap making and I wrote an article once about using stories to sell handmade soap. That is one of the reasons I love this site There is a nice personal story about how how asked her grandmother to show her how to make homemade lye soap and she refused saying it was too dangerous. Check out all of their products including buttermilk soap.

If this isn't the oldest site on the internet they sure are trying to make it look like it is. I couldn't find any soap to buy here but they were offering 101 blender soap recipes for 20 bucks. Oh well they probably left this site up because it generates revenue without any maintenance.