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Natural Soap Markets

Today when searching for natural soap we find many commercial and non-commercial markets from which to choose. From the local farmers market and coops to Whole Foods supermarket chain,. to your local health food store, there are more choices than ever before.

Our grandparents interested in a holistic approach to health, would most likely make a trip to their local apocathary store to buy natural soap and other natural products. Early in the twentieth century cannibus and heroine were available at the local apocathary. Some remedies were were considered akin to snake oil in the main stream medical community. Many stores had their own formulas for salves, ointments and soap which recipes they kept secret from the prying eyes of competitors.

With today's manufactures labeling, they are required to list the ingredients of their products, so in order to protect their formulas many natural soap manufacturers take out patents on their products to protect their discoveries.

The natural soap market and beauty market has grown to the point where more amd more mainsteream retailers are trying to take advantage of this growth and get their share of this lucrative market. You now find natural soap loaves ready for cutting a weighing, just like you were ordering items from the deli, on many supermarket shelves.

These items are given the descriptions of being, organic, kosher, vegan, certified and so on. The most important factor is whether the consumer likes the natural aspects of the soap and will become a returning customer. If the soap has genuine healing properties this would entice a customer return and buy more soap. Each herb used in soap making has a medicinal value assiciated with it. Herbal practitioners can steer you in the right direction in choosing herbs and botanicals to alleviate the symptoms of any malady you might be enduring.

Though some natural products claim cleansing as well as purification, be careful about claims made that are unjustified. Some hypoallergenic(hypo-allergenic) soaps are genuinely helpful products that relieve those who are extra sensitive to chemicals and fragrances. Almost all natural soaps are biodegradeable and leave little impact on the enviornment. Non-Comedogenic soap is now a common descriptor of many natual soap. This just means non pore clogging. Isn't all soap suppose to not clog your pores?

Omega-3 and Omega-6, which help eczema and psoriasis are somtimes added to natural soap formulas. They are great for dry skin and mild burns. These ingredients also allow for some consumers to use their handmade soap both as a traditional soap and as a natural shampoo.