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Wholesale Dropshippers

Making the decision about which wholesale dropshipper to go with will definitely be the most important decision you will make in your new business endeavor. There have been many horror stories recently about ecommerce retailers making legitimate sales of top notch merchandise and the not having their dropshipper fulfill their order. Many of these arrangements have then ended up in legal entanglememts that drive the distrubutor out of business and ruin them financially.

How do you make sure this does not happen to you. Ask to check with other distributors using their services. If they are not willing to do this then you might ask yourself what do they have to hide. There are more and more distributors offering dropshipping services directly from China. This can be a major problem with service ands shipping delays. I would not recommend this type of arrangement.

The most advantageous arrangement is one you can get directly from the manufacturer. This merchandise can be hard to procure. If you are able to garner such an arrangement, make sure the terms are consistant and allow you to sell in all markets. Many manufacturers have certain territories that have been assigned to certain distributors. It would be impossible to ask customers in one state not to order and then ask others to provide address verification.

Some wholealers are asking potential customers to join clubs to buy merchandise. This requires an upfront fee before you see any of the merchandise. I wish I could sell my products this way. Generally this is not recommended. Unless you can get a personal recommendation fro a trusted friend.

Will you drop shipper take paypal, credit cards or is it cash and carry only. You don't here that phrase very often nany more. Just make sure all of,the terms and conditions are clearly spelled out before you start advertising anyone else's merchandise.